Sunday, January 21, 2007

"The Family Nobody Wanted"

It's a lovely Sunday afternoon and I am reading through the blogosphere:) Today I am reading "Spirit of Adoption" and being greatly ministered to...especially by her post about waiting.

She also posted about "adoption media" that influenced her while she was a child and it sparked a rememberance for me. I remember watching a TV movie called "The Family Nobody Wanted" when I was small....the internet says it was 1975, so I would have been about seven....A preacher and his wife adopt 15 or 16 multicultural and/or special needs children. It was a beautiful movie.

About a year ago, I came across the book that the movie was based on at a local book store. I ended up borrowing it from the library. It is written by the mother, Helen Doss and I highly recommend it. One of the things that made this book so special for me was that I had just had a conversation with a friend about how the adoption/court day, which was growing closer, seemed very much like a wedding ceremony to me. We were making a public decree about our love and dedication to our soon to be daugher. My friend, who has not adopted, totally disagreed with me and said it was nothing like a wedding ceremony. About a week later, I started to read this book, which was written in the 1954. In it, Mrs. Doss talks at length about their first adoption and how it felt very much like a wedding ceremony!

Anyways, get the book! You'll be glad you did!

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